I can say without hesitation that the course exceeded my expectations, and was a wonderful experience.
Although it is fairly intensive, Stephen’s relaxed manner means that you never feel under pressure or stressed and you can work at your own pace. Based on his vast experience he is able to pass on many techniques for guitar building that he has developed over the years. More...

What could be better than listening to flamenco guitar in a Spanish guitar workshop making your own Spanish guitar?
The good humour and enthusiasm of Stephen combined with the camaraderie between the students, not to mention the beautiful setting, made it one of the best experiences of my life.
Stephen invites his students not just to make a beautiful guitar but also to share in his passion for woodwork, for guitars and for music. More...

Evan Kingma
The courses Stephen runs at The European Institute of Guitar Making are incredible, life-changing events..
I really wanted to travel and I was thinking of buying a classical guitar when I heard about Stephen’s course at The European Institute of Guitar Making. I had practically no woodworking experience, but I’m a pretty creative person and I was really excited about the idea of building my own classical guitar.

Este Curso ha sido y será una de la experiencias mas gratas de mi vida!
Soy artesano de un instrumento típico de Puerto Rico llamado cuatro puertorriqueño, pero siempre dije dentro de mi que cuando contruyera guitarras no iba a ser directo de un libro sino de un profesor y si fuera en España mucho mejor!!!!
Ricardo Ramos // Puerto Rico

There was a good atmosphere in the workshop with Spanish flamenco music in the background and a good mood for everyone,
Jeg fant dette kurset ved en tilfeldighet da jeg søkte etter inspirasjon på nettet. Jeg tenkte at et slikt kurs ville jeg være med på, for å styrke mine tre-arbeidsevner og gjøre meg bedre rustet til å jobbe på et finnere nivå. Da jeg så at jeg fikk en mulighet til å delta, melte jeg meg på. Men jeg fikk til svar at kurset var fult. Men etter noen uker fikk jeg en e-post at det var blidt en plass ledig, jeg svarte umiddelbart og bestilte flybilletter. Jippi.
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Torstein Brandth // Norway

Stephen teaches with enthusiasm and an understanding of the students needs, offering constant encouragement to overcome the hurdles faced along the way...of which there were many!
"I had previously tried to build a guitar from a kit following a Santos Hernandez guitar plan: I was about 80% of the way through this project when I took the guitar building course with Stephen...
Peter Rennie-Doran // UK

Stephen is an absolute master of his trade, as a guitar maker, but also as a teacher. You get the absolute feeling that he gives everything he knows and can do and doesn't hold back any secrets. A stroke of luck!
Ich hoffte im Kurs daher auf einige Erhellung. Mein Hauptanliegen war: Lernen, viel Lernen im Hinblick auf eine Karriere als Gitarrenbauer. Und um es gleich vorwegzunehmen: Ich habe bekommen, was ich wollte. Aber viel mehr als das:
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Marinus Girst // Spain/Germany

In the end, the feelings are indescribable when you first hear the tones from an instrument made under professional supervision, according to the old Spanish tradition.
Že ko se odločiš za udeležbo štiritedenskega šolanja je zadovoljstvo popolno, ko pa dejansko z dneva v dan les spreminjaš v instrument je res nekaj enkratnega. Nisem si predstavljal tako čustvenega naboja pri izdelavi prve klasične kitare. Pomoč z nasvetih kot tudi praktičen prikaz,
Albert Franca // Slovenia

What could be better than listening to flamenco guitar in a Spanish guitar workshop making your own Spanish guitar?
The good humour and enthusiasm of Stephen combined with the camaraderie between the students, not to mention the beautiful setting, made it one of the best experiences of my life.
Stephen invites his students not just to make a beautiful guitar but also to share in his passion for woodwork, for guitars and for music. More...

Estuve buscando un buen maestro, no era fácil entonces, busqué por Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia.....pero el mejor no estaba en ninguna de esas ciudades, estaba mucho más cerca, que suerte! , en la costa de Granada, a tiro de piedra de mi pueblo.
Una mañana de invierno temprano (aún no había salido el sol) salí de mi casa abrigado hasta las orejas, La Alpujarra granadina es una tierra extrema y tomé rumbo a la costa en busca del maestro Stephen Hill. Cuando llegué a La Herradura aparqué en frente de la playa, una vista preciosa con el sol ya bien posicionado, al bajar de la furgoneta pude sentir en la cara el aire cálido y el aroma marino..
Sergio Valverde // Granada/Spain